Avalon Blog

Team Member Spotlight: Jeremiah Rose

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Every once in a while, we like to show off one of our hardworking, detail-oriented problem solvers. Take a moment to see who's in the spotlight today!

Name: Jeremiah Rose

1st Day at Avalon: 06/28/2022

Current Position: Document SpecialistJeremiah Rose

Tell us "your story." How did you end up at Avalon? 

I used to work at Staples Print and Marketing and found that I really enjoyed doing the work there. I then saw that Avalon had an opening for Document Specialist. I applied and have been happy here ever since.

What’s your favorite thing about Avalon?

The friendly atmosphere here. Everyone I work with has been extremely helpful. Never a dull moment here at Avalon!

What’s your favorite thing about your position at Avalon?

The work that we receive on a day-to-day basis.

What is your proudest moment at Avalon?

Knowing that I can be relied on to work and complete difficult tasks.

What does a typical workday look like for you?

Once I’ve settled in, I will usually take a look at the job board to see if there are any rushes due that day to work on first. Very nice relaxing pace throughout the day.

What’s your favorite workplace memory?

I have so many that the list would go on forever but to name a few:

  • Creating the dunk contest with Ben Gielow
  • Mike’s random bursts of energy

What are you listening to right now (music/podcast/audio book)?

What We Do in the Shadows

What’s a must-read blog or book that you’ve read recently and why?

If This Book Exists, You’re in the Wrong Universe by Jason Pargin

What’s your favorite motivational quote?

“If you’re not doing it right, do it wrong.” – my 4-year-old niece

If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be and why?

Jamaica, for the cuisine and ancestral background.

If you were stuck on an island and could only bring three things, what would they be?

My TV, banana pudding, and my cat Circe.


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