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Team Member Spotlight: Steve Claxton

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Every once in a while, we like to show off one of our hardworking, detail-oriented problem solvers. Take a moment to see who's in the spotlight today!

Name: Steve Claxton

1st Day at Avalon: 11/03/2020

Current Position: Senior Project Manager 

Tell us “your story.” How did you end up at Avalon?Claxton family 1

After several years working in the managed review field, I wanted to find a position that would allow me to learn more about the technical side of eDiscovery work. I saw an opening at Avalon on a job site and I really liked the story of how the company was started and became what it is today. I applied to be a Project Manager and really enjoyed the interview process. It all worked out from there.

What’s your favorite thing about Avalon?

I love the overall “vibe” at Avalon. People have a friendly and collaborative tone here that makes me excited to work with them.

What’s your favorite thing about your position at Avalon?

I enjoy problem solving for my clients and getting to genuinely help them in times of need. I also really like interacting with my teammates.

What is your proudest moment at Avalon?

When we finally got the Managed Services Agreement with a great client to manage their legal holds. I worked for about a year to help Avalon land that sale, and I helped to create that project from the ground up.

What does a typical workday look like for you?

It usually involves receiving various requests from clients and responding to them. I also keep an eye on the work of the Project Managers who I supervise so that I can help them out when necessary.

What’s your favorite workplace memory?

I really enjoyed the first team lunch I had with the Legal Tech team. It was a great opportunity to learn more about my teammates.

What are you listening to right now (music/podcast/audio book)?

Podcast – How Did This Get Made?

Album – Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers by Kendrick Lamar

What’s a must-read blog or book that you’ve read recently and why?

I recently read American Gods by Neil Gaiman after my brother recommended it. I just found it very entertaining. Starz created a TV show based on it as well.

What's your favorite motivational quote?

"You can't hit your target if you don't take a shot." [When asked who said this, Steve answered: "I actually made up the quote myself, but it is something that stuck with me and I follow in life."]

Claxton 2If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be and why?

Australia because it is the last continent I have left to visit (not including Antarctica).

If you were stuck on an island and could only bring three things, what would they be?

(1) A smartphone with my favorite pictures and songs downloaded to it, (2) a solar charger for that smartphone, and (3) a speargun so that I can catch fish.

What do you do for fun?  

I love to watch movies (in the theater when I have time) and listen to music.

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