Avalon Blog

Author: Team Avalon

Avalon Comic Series: A Simple Request (?)

If You're Still Purchasing eDiscovery the Old Way, You're Paying Way Too Much

Avalon and DIGITS Successfully Complete an Extensive Information Audit

Top 3 Ways Hackers Get to Your Sensitive Data

E-mail: A Growing Data Security Concern

Managed Services: Customized eDiscovery Technology Software and Service Packages

Dropbox Dropped the Ball

Cheers to Another Year on the Inc. 5000 List

eDiscovery Gone Bad: Sanctions, Preclusions, and Fee Imposition

AEC Companies Find Value in Outsourcing Office Services

Avalon Responds to the DNC Security Breach

Employee Emails Used for Business Purposes are off Limits (in this case at least)

The Cloud for Dummies Like Me

eDiscovery Spotlight: Featuring David Hancock, GrayRobinson

Avalon Representatives Become Certified eDiscovery Specialists

Rule 26 Proportionality in Discovery: New Rules, Old Concept

The Ethics of eDiscovery

4 Reasons Your Firm Should Outsource eDiscovery

Billing for eDiscovery Technical Specialist, the Future is Here

Changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Educating the Future of Law

Multitasking: The Arch Enemy of a Productive and Happy Workplace

eDiscovery Spotlight: Featuring David Lapresi, Phillips Lytle

eDiscovery Spotlight: Featuring John Cook, Barclay Damon

I'm Dreaming of a Construction Bid Project

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